Wednesday, April 09, 2008

What kind of idiot makes this re-raise...

(click pics to enlarge)

Well I'll tell you who... it's the kind of idiot who is 4-tabling 6-max cash tables, while watching the 'highlights' of West Ham losing to Portsmouth, at about 11.00pm, with tired eyes after playing for 3 hours, who doesn't notice the UTG raise to $10, and just sees ATs, on the button and hits the bet pot button... that's who!!

OK, now this is bad enough, a schoolboy error I know, but what happens next is even more incredible...

The UTG original raiser dwells up for a few seconds and just calls... leaving just $5.95 behind??

He then pushes the rest in on this flop...

Now obviously I am putting him on AA, KK or at worst AK, but I now have to call, getting 11/1 on my $6. You can imagine my suprise when the cards are revealed and I see the hand he has been playing and the fact that I'm not drawing dead...

Now I have already answered the question - 'What kind of idiot re-raises $30 with ATs', and I have to just hold my hand up and admit to not paying attention... but, but just answer me this, in the name of all that is holy, what kind of clown raises 40x UTG with AJo?? And then calls the huge re-raise, wtf does he think I have?? Could he hear me cursing and swearing at myself?? Well come on... I want answers dammit!!!!

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